Electronics / IT

Inventory Electronics with their Respective Energy Star Ratings

What Is It?

An inventory of all electronics, equipment, and appliances that consume energy will provide a baseline to energy managers and assist with future energy management efforts. Conducting an inventory entails determining each product’s energy use, estimating the hours it is used per year, and calculating the annual energy consumption and energy cost of the product. Determining whether equipment carries the ENERGY STAR label and whether an ENERGY STAR labeled replacement option exists will help in planning energy efficiency upgrades.


Establishing baseline energy inventory assists energy managers in creating an energy efficiency plan. An inventory of electronics can help provide valuable insight into areas where energy consumption can be minimized or managed more efficiently. Looking for ENERGY STAR labels on existing equipment helps energy managers assess the potential energy savings from an upgrade to a newer, more efficient model, if available. These newer models have a reduced carbon footprint and are more sustainable than their older alternatives.