Emissions Reduction Toolkit | Climate Resilience Toolkit | Climate Resilience Guidelines |
This climate resilience template for commercial buildings was developed to help commercial real estate property owners and managers prepare their facilities for climate change. It compiles existing resources and best practices to aid decision-making and resilience project implementation that can be integrated into standard operating procedures. A typical resilience planning process should include the following key steps:
1. Create an internal team that understands the building’s operations and assets from diverse perspectives.
2. Identify climate risks in Boston that are relevant to the property.
3. Establish a property baseline to ensure all team members understand the building’s characteristics and assets.
4. Conduct a vulnerability analysis to determine the exposure and sensitivity of building assets to climate impacts, as well as the likelihood and magnitude of the risk posed to the property.
5. Research solutions to mitigate unbearable risk.
6. Prioritize strategies that are best suited to the property’s unique characteristics.
7. Identify financing and incentives to implement strategies.
8. Create an implementation plan that includes the timeline and management processes to achieve all strategies.
9. Implement, evaluate and communicate to ensure strategies are implemented effectively and updated as new relevant information becomes available.